Skin Care – Feed back

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I have been debating for a little while now if I should talk about Rodan + Fields on my blog or not.  When I first started my blog my sole purpose was to get Lovely Rubbish into the blog world, and communicate with fellow bloggers.  Over the past year a lot has changed in my life.  I still love antiques, painting, and having my booth, but my mom has been in and out of the hospital a lot lately.  As much as I love what I do I can’t take several days off to take her to Houston as frequently as she needs to be there.

Rewind several months back..

My best friend Brittanie had been telling my about these amazing products she started using called Rodan + Fields.  Her skin was looking better than ever, and she stopped wearing base as often.  A few months after using the products she decided to join Rodan + Fields as a consultant, and has had a lot of success.

She then asked me to join her, and her business partner in this work from home business.  I have always wanted a work from home, make my own schedule type of business, but frankly there are too many scammers out there.  However, Brittanie is a very smart, business minded woman, and I knew she did her home work before joining Rodan + Fields.

After talking with her several times about it, and doing my own home work I got on the phone with her and her business partner Stacy.  You could hear the passion that Stacy had for this amazing business in her voice.  I loved it.  After hearing how much this business has changed Stacy, and her family’s life I was more than ready to take a chance, and join these two amazing woman in business.

Which brings me to my post today..

I Joined Rodan + Fields in July, and have been wanting to share all about it with my readers.  But.. My blog was created for furniture, painting, antiques, etc..  What would my readers think?  Would they delete the emails as soon as they see “Lovely Rubbish has posted a new blog post”? Or would this be a nice change?  I am not straying from what I love, and what I originally wanted my blog to be, but simply adding to it.  I will have more posts about Lovely Rubbish than Rodan + Fields, but I would love to share both journey’s with you through my blog.

I would love Feed back and suggestions! 🙂


I have a few blog series that I am working on also!  So excited.

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